Thursday, July 5, 2012


It. Never. Fails. I get in a cab and politely tell me cab driver to take me to 3636 16th St. and I am met with a sideways glance and an incredulous, “the Woodner??” like I had just asked him to escort me to the pits of hell. Not that I blame him. If I could I would install a HAZMAT grade decontamination shower in my apartment entryway. At least he can stay in the car. I actually have to sleep there.

I first noticed Woodner’s “notoriety” when I hailed a cab on my way to view available studios in the building. The taxi guy immediately recognized the address. I, of course, felt rather swanky going to a building address that EVERYONE knows…you know, like telling the cabbie to take me to the 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Now I understand that the Woodner is not as famous as the White House but in its defense, it is known for being the largest apartment building in the city. (I received this gem of a fact on my official tour of Chateau Woodner) However, I find this misleading since they never quantify what large is. Is large square footage or amount of residents? Because quite frankly, if we are talking in terms of resident numbers it is fraudulent to boost statistics by including cockroaches in the tally. Definitely just triggered my gag reflex. My apologies if your visceral reaction was similar. I should probably write a disclaimer.   

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